Mapper Code


Using a dotted notation format, you define paths to access desired information within the response. The data is structured in a multi-dimensional array format and is flattened into a single-level array using "dot" notation, indicating depth.

In this context, data refers to the document root, serving as the starting point for data extraction.

For example, you can specify that the id attribute is located at data.items.*.id. This means that for each item within the items property array in the search response, the system will extract its corresponding ID. Similarly, other attributes such as name, image can be defined in a similar manner. Additionally, to access an array item with a specific index x, you can use the notation items.x.value, for example images.0.url.

Required Attributes

The following attributes are mandatory for the mapper code:

  • id: The unique identifier of the document.
  • name: The name of the document.

While id and name are mandatory for the mapper code, other attributes are optional.

To define a document image, you can specify the image attribute, which should contain the URL of the image.

Data Manipulation

Math operations (-, +, *, /) and string concatenation (~) can also be applied within the mapper code for further data manipulation.

For example, you can concatenate the name and id attributes using the following notation:

name_id: data.items.*.name ~ data.items.*.id

You can also divide the price attribute by 100 to convert the price from cents to dollars/euros:

price: data.items.*.price / 100

Or you can calculate the total price of an item by multiplying the price and quantity attributes:

total_price: data.items.*.price * data.items.*.quantity


Given the following endpoint response:

  "items": [
      "id": "077d9091-050b-4ee9-9c98-576f9c8489fe",
      "name": "Dyson V10 Absolute",
      "price": 58830,
      "quantity": 1,
      "images": [
          "size": "200x200",
          "url": ""
          "size": "400x400",
          "url": ""
      "id": "9fc0522d-84c0-4a2f-ba20-a5f69ed43ab2",
      "name": "Dyson V8 Origin",
      "price": 45093,
      "quantity": 1,
      "images": [
          "size": "200x200",
          "url": ""
          "size": "400x400",
          "url": ""

The mapper code can be defined as follows:

id: data.items.*.id
name: data.items.*.name
price: data.items.*.price / 100
quantity: data.items.*.quantity
total_price: (data.items.*.price / 100) * data.items.*.quantity
url: "" ~ data.items.*.id
image: data.items.*.images.0.url

The resulting output will be an array of objects with the following structure, which will be stored as search snapshots:

    "id": "077d9091-050b-4ee9-9c98-576f9c8489fe",
    "name": "Dyson V10 Absolute",
    "price": 588.3,
    "quantity": 1,
    "total_price": 588.3,
    "url": "",
    "image": ""
    "id": "9fc0522d-84c0-4a2f-ba20-a5f69ed43ab2",
    "name": "Dyson V8 Origin",
    "price": 450.93,
    "quantity": 1,
    "total_price": 450.93,
    "url": "",
    "image": ""

Which will be rendered as follows:

Search Snapshots

Attribute Values

For any non-mandatory attribute, attribute value can be either a scalar value or an array of scalar.

For example, given the following mapper code (Elasticsearch API response):

id: data.hits.hits.*._id
name: data.hits.hits.*
image: data.hits.hits.*._source.image
brand: data.hits.hits.*._source.brand
category: data.hits.hits.*._source.categories.names.en.0
categories: data.hits.hits.*._source.categories.names.en

and given the following Elasticsearch API response:

  "hits": {
    "hits": [
        "_id": "02edf150-8bcf-4834-b43f-331862aab42f",
        "_source": {
          "name": {
            "en": "KITCHENAID Akku Handrührberät 5KHMB732EBM, Edelstahl/ Kunststoff, Kabellos, 16 W, 7 Geschwindigkeitsstufen, Akku-Anzeige, schwarz"
          "brand": "KitchenAid",
          "image": "",
          "categories": {
            "names": {
              "en": [
                "Choppers & cutters",
                "Domestic Kitchen appliances",
                "Kitchen appliances",
                "Kitchen equipment"

The resulting output will be rendered as follows:

Search Snapshot